Aluminium Fire Exit Doors, Retail Outlet

Double Aluminiums Fire Exit Door Fitted In a Busy Retail Outlet. Fully Compliant With Regulations and Designed to Client Specifications.
Aluminium School Entrance Doors, London

Glazed aluminium doors with automation fitted at a high volume school entrance
Bin Store Doors Installation, Farnborough

Bin store doors complete solution provides security, access control & ventilation. Fitted with a Lockey 7300 Code Handle that provides mechanical access control and protection against forced entry with their clutched handle design.
Aluminium Communal Entrance Door

A residential development in Hockley, Essex featuring Comar aluminum commercial entrance doors as well as steel louver doors.
Aluminium Entrance Doors

Maxium supplied & installed our Alumax 700 Doors insulated commercial doors to school in south London, complete with access control & automatic opener, and safety sensors
Sliding Door at Stanstead Airport

Alumax 705 single sliding door with FACE SL4 series automation, installed at Stansted Airport, wind pressure was gusting at times and was too dangerous for the existing hinged door, the solution was to fit automatic aluminum sliding door internally
Full Louvred Doors

A London installation of our quality Maxdor Louvre MP Air doors in a grey colour and with louvre toplight. Maxdor Louvre MP Air doors are our fully louvred door system. The louvres on this steel door model have a wider coverage giving even more airflow and an aesthetically pleasing door, with a reduced door leaf […]
Aluminium Double Doors

The tried and tested Comar 7P.i commercial aluminium double door installed by Maxium Doors for Grieg City Academy in Hornsey, North London. With over 1000 pupils at this secondary school, a reliable aluminium door, designed for high traffic is a must. Our Comar double doors feature the reliable mechanical construction found in Comar doors with […]
Communal Flats Doors

A residential development of flats featuring the main entrance door in the Comar 7P.i commercial aluminium door and Comar ground floor framing. For residential buildings, the main entrance door is required to provide security and reliability as well as give residents convenience in entering the building and letting in visitors.
Fire Exit Door Installation

An installation of a single Comar commercial fire exit door, installed by Maxium Doors to Cottenham College, Cambridgeshire. This Comar fire exit door has a mechanical, bracket construction with an anti-finger trap hinge stiles and jamb, box section outer frame and low threshold.